Tuesday, October 28, 2008

AARP Health

Many AARP members wonder if their "senior moments" might be signs of Alzheimer's. Dr. Murali Doraiswamy of Duke University has written a new book, "The Alzheimer's Action Plan: The Experts' Guide to the Best Diagnosis and Treatment for Memory Problems,"

Doraiswamy describes screening tests, how to differentiate Alzheimer's from other types of dementia, and how to tell normal forgetting from problematic forgetting. He also reviews the latest prescriptions for slowing memory loss in Alzheimer's patients.

Most important, he emphasizes, is for AARP members to detect the disease early, before major damage sets in. Early warning signs to watch for include:

  • The memory loss is getting progressively worse.
  • Friends and family are urging you to get a checkup.
  • You can't remember what you forgot. Whole pieces of your past experiences are missing, and your memory can't be jogged.

It has been proved that sublingual B-12 can improve memory retention and can reduce the risk from the disease. If AARP members actively aim to protect their memory retention by attending memory clinics and taking extra vitamin B-12, they will enjoy a better lifestyle in their senior years.

Research is ongoing to the find genes which cause and might prevent Alzheimer's but at the moment there is no cure.

David Ogden -Tomorrows Home Business
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