Friday, October 31, 2008


AARP Finance - AARP chief executive officer Mr Novelli has recently written to Secretary of the Treasury to demand that mandatory withdrawals from 401(k)retirement plans for people over 70 be cancelled due to the current financial crisis.

Currently AARP members over 70 are forced to withdraw a minimum amount each year (by 31st DEC) from their retirements plans based on the value of the plan at the end of the previous year. Failure to withdraw the minimum amount incurs a 50% tax charge. Due to the stock market upheaval some fund may have lost up to 40% of their value and and is not the time to be forced to cash in hard won savings.

Some AARP members financial difficulties could on the other hand be helped also if the 20% early with withdrawal funds from 401(k) plans was temporarily withdrawn, which would release much needed cash.

Withdrawing money from retirement funds is not to be taken lightly as is reduces expected income in retirement and at the moment most funds are at rock bottom they will take some time time perhaps years to reach their previous highs.

One alternative for AARP members to putting money into a retirement plan is to invest it in a successful joint venture such as promoted by Tomorrows Home Business which over a period of ten years can provide a 15% returns way above the interest earnt by placing money on deposit The secret of creating money is to make best use of investments which compound results.

Ogden -Tomorrows Home Business
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Thursday, October 30, 2008


AARP Financial news today is is generally good, with markets around the World generally moving upwards as the USA lowered it base rate to 1%, it lowest ever. AARP members and others who have loans or finances will hopefully see up to 0.5% reduction.

Consumers in Iceland have recently seen interest rates rise to 18% a jump of 6% following the $2 Billion loan form the IMF.

Hungary yesterday was also bailed out by the IMF to the turn of $28 Billion and the news prompted a rise in both their currency and stock market.

AARP members should be aware that the costs of any rescue package has to be paid by someone, as Icelanders now know its going to be a long hard winter.

House holders in the UK are still struggling with some 70% of owners having to face the fact that the continued fall in house prices resulting in their loans exceeding the value of their houses. Perhaps and interest rate cut her might help, but at the moment no institutions are lending money.

The main question on the lips of members of AARP is have the markets reached rock bottom. Stock and shares are at bargain basement level compared to the past twenty years. Multi-Millionaires like Warren Buffet are prepared to take the risk but who is prepared to follow them?

David Ogden -Tomorrows Home Business
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Wednesday, October 29, 2008


UK Pension funds have lost 33% of their value, or £187 Billion during the last 12 months, due to falling stocks and shares.

The bad news illustrates to members of AARP the likely effect on their own 401(K) retirement plans.

Now is certainly not the time to retire unless AARP members are lucky enough to work for a company that provides some kind of final Salary pension as is offered by some companies in the UK.

Yes the DOW rose 900 points yesterday and this might be a sign that the worst is over, however there is a long way to to. Hopefully stock markets around the world will also provide a positive response bouncing back from record 5 year lows in the USA and UK.

AARP members have been following the frightning ups and downs of the stock and might be wary of investing in the future, but what choices are there?

1. Put it under the bed and it will lose value due to inflation

2. Place it on deposit at a low rate of interest

3. Or invest in your business

Smart AARP members are investing in their business because reinvesting income back into a business will grow the business and produce better results.

Now is probable the best time to buy into a business, but only a few AARP members have sufficient funds to purchase a business outright. So what about the rest.

Starting a business from scratch might not appear to be the right option either due to business set up costs, buying stock, marketing etc, however there is another solution.

Tomorrows Home Business, has a proven business plan and model which produces results, because it is partnered with a health and wellness company who take care of all the marketing, selling and delivery of products. Leaving the AAARP member the opportunity to buy its existing customers and earn commissions.

David Ogden -Tomorrows Home Business
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Tuesday, October 28, 2008

AARP Health

Many AARP members wonder if their "senior moments" might be signs of Alzheimer's. Dr. Murali Doraiswamy of Duke University has written a new book, "The Alzheimer's Action Plan: The Experts' Guide to the Best Diagnosis and Treatment for Memory Problems,"

Doraiswamy describes screening tests, how to differentiate Alzheimer's from other types of dementia, and how to tell normal forgetting from problematic forgetting. He also reviews the latest prescriptions for slowing memory loss in Alzheimer's patients.

Most important, he emphasizes, is for AARP members to detect the disease early, before major damage sets in. Early warning signs to watch for include:

  • The memory loss is getting progressively worse.
  • Friends and family are urging you to get a checkup.
  • You can't remember what you forgot. Whole pieces of your past experiences are missing, and your memory can't be jogged.

It has been proved that sublingual B-12 can improve memory retention and can reduce the risk from the disease. If AARP members actively aim to protect their memory retention by attending memory clinics and taking extra vitamin B-12, they will enjoy a better lifestyle in their senior years.

Research is ongoing to the find genes which cause and might prevent Alzheimer's but at the moment there is no cure.

David Ogden -Tomorrows Home Business
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Monday, October 27, 2008


AARP Finance - The Week has started the way the previous week finished with stock markets around the world continuing to fall. Recession is a reality but how should one deal with the consequences.

The first thing AARP members need to do is not to fall into the trap of taking on further loans. Stop using credit cards wherever possible unless you can pay them it in full.

AARP members need to reduce all unnecessary spending.

Normally when stocks reach rock bottom its is time for AARP members to commit more money to 401(k) plans in the hope that stock will rise and increase the value of their savings, the problem is twofold, knowing when to buy and guessing how quickly stocks will rise.

A more conservative plan might be to buy into an existing successful business but few people have the funds to do this, so an alternative might be to start a business in partnership with Tomorrows Home Business who have a business model which shows a rate of return which exceeds most returns on stock investments and is inflation proof. Full details are available by contacting us.

David Ogden -Tomorrows Home Business
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Sunday, October 26, 2008

AARP Financial

AARP Financial has responded to public concern with Mutual funds with the following statement:-

AARP Financial recognizes that recent events in the financial markets are causing concern among investors. For those invested in money market funds, you may also be questioning the safety of your investment. We want to reassure you that your investment in the AARP Money Market Fund remains a conservative, low-risk investment and that you have quick access to these assets if and when you need them. In addition, I am pleased to report that the AARP Money Market Fund is now enrolled and currently participating in the Treasury Guarantee Program.

Richard M. Hisey President, AARP Financial Incorporated

Well that way the good news, the bad news for AARP investors is that since June the values have fallen as the financial markets have been brought to thier knees. you money is safe but not worth as much.

AARP members need to take action and look for ways to diversify their future income streams, like members of Tomorrows Home Business.

David Ogden -Tomorrows Home Business
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Saturday, October 25, 2008


AARP counterparts in the UK have been given some good news regarding state pensions.

Thousands of women who took time off to look after children will be able to boost their state pensions under a top-up scheme announced by the Government.

Work and Pensions Secretary James Purnell is proposing an amendment to the Pension Bill enabling people to buy up to an extra six years of National Insurance contributions.

Each extra year of National Insurance contributions adds around £160 a year to the state pension that people are entitled to. But the UK Government is increasing the cost of buying extra years from its current level of £420 per year to ensure the move will not cost it anything, although it has not yet said what the increase will be.

The UK Government estimates that around 550,000 people will be eligible to buy up the extra years, but in reality it expects only around 20% of these to take advantage of the scheme.

Mr Purnell said: "By 2010 around 75% of women reaching state pension age will be entitled to a full basic state pension, rising to over 90% by 2025, compared to around 35% today. However, we are mindful of the potential disadvantages faced by those who do not have a full work history, mostly women and those with caring responsibilities."

It will be interesting to see if if the USA Government will offer AARP members any ways to increase their pensions during these difficult times, or will they have to continue to take matters into thier own hands by producing residule income to live on from home businesses such at Tommorow's Home Business.

David Ogden -Tomorrows Home Business
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Friday, October 24, 2008


I was looking at the AARP site today, which claims to be the largest online magazine in the world, its packed with information. The section that caught my eye way the financial calculators.

The AARP calculators includes one to work out when you will be a millionaire, so I tried out my theory of investing $1 per day and sure enough it works, if at 15 I had saved just $1 a day I would have been a millionaire by the age of 60, based on a rate of return of 15%. The problem however is that inflation will eat into the numbers and reduce your savings by half. The common factor in all the AARP calculators is the exponential growth, for example if you continue contributing for a further 5 years you will more than double your money!

AARP members and millions of others around the world are suffering during the financial crisis, but there is a way out.

You need to find a business which will provide you with a 15% return and invest just $1,000 and in 50 years you will be a Millionaire.

Now I have found a business that will give me the return that I need and is inflation proof, its called Tomorrows's Home Business and its unlike any home business you have ever seen, you are invited to attend our live presentation every Thursday evening at 6PM EST just go to and follow the instructions or else contact us.

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Thursday, October 23, 2008


AARP report that stocks and shares around the world continue to fall during early trading in Asia. Pakistan and the Philippines are both looking towards the IMF to help bail them out. Corporate organisations are already re-forecasting their yearly forecasts.

It seems there that it is going to be a long time before matters are going to improve, with Thanksgiving and Christmas fast approaching it seems there will be little to cheer about.

Companies world wide are tightening their belts and it will not be surprising if they start laying of older workers which will concern AARP members, because if they are forced to retire early it is a very bad time to purchase annuities.

AARP members have already voiced their concerns with candidates in the upcoming USA elections, but it will be sometime before any changes will filter through the system. The problem is that support for banks has to be paid by someone and its usually puts pressure on other taxes.

The only clear way for an AARP to get out of financial difficulty rests with them taking matters in their own hands and to build a business for themselves, but this is no quick fix option it will probable need five years or more of work to build a worthwhile income.

Ogden -Tomorrows Home Business
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Wednesday, October 22, 2008

AARP Insurance

Generally speaking AARP insurance plans are good to long term investments and provide a better rate of returns than that of banks. Your money is usually safer as it is usually spread across a portfolio of stocks. If you were to study AARP insurance plans the underlying investment will provide a return after 10 years.

The problem facing AARP Insurance members at the moment is that the market is weak, so it is not the time to cash in policies unless you are forced to. How long it will take for the market to recover is difficult to predict, but again you need to think long term 5 years or more.

The worldwide monetary crisis has resulted from people spending more than they can afford to repay by taking on credit and loans and this is a lesson for everyone including AARP Insurance holders. It is vitally important to start saving for your future as early as possible.

Investing in AARP Insurance products is one way however if you are still concerned about the vagaries of stock and shares, There are other ways of producing residual to satisfy your future needs such as starting your own business, bearing in mind the high failure rate of new businesses, I would recommend you consider the way Tomorrows Home Business group offers a way to financial freedom which cannot fail and is inflation proof..

Just contact one of us to learn more and come to one of our weekly online presentations.

David Ogden -Tomorrow's Home Business
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Monday, October 20, 2008


AARP members like many other retired people from around the world are worrying about what they need to do as the world slips towards recession. Yes stock and shares held by AARP will take some years to recover and perhaps some AARP members who have 401(K) retirement plans may be looking for other methods that will provide future money.

Tomorrows Home Business group has found found a unique solution by teaming up with a health and wellness Company. Health and wellness is a multi billion dollar industry and even during recession people wish to be healthily. Many AARP members already take vitamin and mineral supplements in order to support a healthy lifestyle.

The Company tomorrows's Home business is partnered with ,is dept free and operating for ten years. The business opportunity is unique and far removed from get rich quick scams and MLM companies where members have to market and sell products.

AARP members will be surprised to learn about this no risk business plan which requires no marketing in order to build a residue income. AARP members are invited to attend a free weekly presentation which explains how long term residual income can be produced at low cost, by contacting us.

Ogden -Tomorrows Home Business
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Sunday, October 19, 2008

Pirates of Borneo Capture Captain and Crew of USS Provident

The Pirates of Borneo capture the Captain and Crew of the USS Provident, yesterday on Kota Kinabalu Waterfront. It was a somewhat unique experience which took place at the pirates bar as the crew of the first Australian submarine to visit Kota Kinabalu were also being entertained by the Pirates of Borneo.

The two bands of sailors were soon sharing ideas of the similarities and differences between the two boats.

It was fitting that the meeting took place at the pirates bar as the skull and crossbones also know by its name Jolly Roger, is traditionally flown by submarines when returning to port following a successful mission.

Plans were also hatched to hold a friendly game of soccer between the crew next week and also a possible friendly beach Rugby Match.


Why are so many AARP members in financial trouble, is it because they live for today and think the future will look after itself, rather than planning for the future.

How Many AARP members have 401 plans but have failed to ensure they have a good balance of stock. Yes these plans have lost a lot of value recently and it may take them five years or more to recover to the same level as they were, due to the financial meltdown caused by many people borrowing more than they could afford to repay, which started the banking crisis as banks mismanaged loans.

If you are an AARP member who plans to retire in the next 10 years is is essential that you take some action now if you wish to be able to retire in comfort.

I recently contacted Tomorrows Home Business and discovered a way of sharing in the success of a health and wellness company. Like any good business you need to reinvest your earning back into the business for around 10 years and can then end up with a monthly income to live on in retirement.

The plan for AARP members does not involve in investing in stock market like a 401 plan, but is based on earning revenue from existing customers, who are the lifeblood of any business. You are virtually guaranteed to make money.

No special skills are required to operate the business, no marketing or selling to others, the company you partner with handle all that. for more details just contact us

David Ogden -Tomorrows Home Business
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Friday, October 17, 2008

AARP Insurance

AARP Insurance offer a special rates for AARP members and their families. You can enjoy special AARP Insurance rates even if you are not retired, provided you are over 50. In addition to AARP Insurance benefits you can make use of special travel offers and other information which is of focussed on elderly People.

AARP is similar in its offer to SAGA in the UK which also offers Insurance, travel, health and money advice. The major difference between the two however is that AARP has a political lobby.

The Daily news around the world is mostly about the roller coaster ride of stocks and shares as they move generally downwards towards recession and AARP and SAGA members are looking at their various insurance policies to see for two reasons, first to see if they meet their needs and secondly to see if they can still afford them.

AARP Insurance Lifetime income plans are quite costly as you need to invest a minimum of $5,000, which is a lot for many AARP members. So is there an alternative way of building an income source?

I have found an opportunity which should be of interest to AARP Insurance members, its is run by a group called Tomorrows Home Business who work together as a co-operative marketing group and earn money from purchasing existing customers from a health and wellness company in the USA. Now health and wellness is an important area for AARP and SAGA members, so you can kill two birds with one stone here and improve your financial situation and your health at the same time.

For More details contact us - click on Contact Us link

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Thursday, October 16, 2008


The USA and UK are close to a recession and France, Ireland, Holland together with Singapore are already in recession, so what does this mean to AARP members. Officially a country is in recession following two quarters of bad figures so the New year does not bode well.

The UK is expecting house prices to fall a further 15% throwing more people into negative equity. The 2012 Olympics and many other sporting events will be effected as sponsors feel the pinch.

Pensioners such as AARP and their counterparts from around the world will find that their pensions are smaller than expected as their funds are affected by stock market falls.

A recent survey by USWitch shows that 42% of people have cancelled insurance policies or pension contributions to save money, If you have done this how are you going to survive in the future.

The falls in the stock market have driven shares down to a level where they were about five years ago, so stocks may take a further five years to bring their saving back to the levels of a couple of months ago.

What AARP members need to do is to find an alternative way of building savings without relying on the stock market such as a plan produced by Tomorrows Home Business, to find out more fee free to contact us.

David Ogden -Tomorrow's Home Business
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Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Some people mad a bit of money from the Market bounce but the future is still bleak for AARP mortgage owners. House prices are in a world of their own and now everyone one is suffering and its not only in the USA and Europe it is a world wide problem. Builders still build but who can honestly afford to buy. The number AARP members who are still paying off mortgages in retirement is still rising and they struggle to make ends meet. Often the they have taken loans on the equity in their house.

A study released in September by the Centre for Retirement Research (CRR) at Boston College found that about 30 percent of homeowners ages 50 to 62 have cashed in on the equity in their homes, and they will likely remain saddled with mortgage debt and face a decline in net worth as they hit retirement

The reasons AARP members might need to refinance can be the result of layoffs or simply bad planning. The rule of thumb used to be to ensure all mortgages or loans were paid back before retirement, but as people seek to raise their living standards they started to live beyond their means, but the trouble is there is no safety net and now a few AARP members are in a situation that their loans exceed the equity in their house due to the slump in the property market.

Younger AARP members still have the time to put money aside for their retirement and one way to do this is to join a group called Tomorrow's Home Business who can show you how you can become a partner in a business which will help build funds to cover your retirement costs.

For more details please click on Contact Us below:-

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Tuesday, October 14, 2008

AARP Insurance

AARP Insurance Annuity plans are in the news at the moment as people take try to make sense of the stock market and how they will be affected the question is Are annuities for you?

I think this is a good time for people who own an annuity - or are considering buying one - to ask themselves whether they really ought to be in an annuity at all. some people recommend a particular type of annuity - an immediate annuity - as a way to convert a portion of your savings to a lifetime income once you've retired.

But immediate annuities represent a very small portion of annuity sales. Most of the annuities that are sold fall into two categories: fixed deferred annuities, which are sold to older investors such as AARP insurance members , most of whom I think would likely be better off in bank CDs and bonds; and variable annuities, which are touted as mutual funds that can shelter their gains from taxes and often sold (usually inappropriately in my opinion) as investments for IRAs and 401(k) rollover money to people who are still years away from retirement.

If nothing else, I hope the attention that insurers and annuities are getting will lead AARP Insurance members to re-assess (ideally with the help of a financial adviser who doesn't depend primarily on annuity sales for his or her livelihood) whether they really belong in annuities.

David Ogden -Tomorrows Home Business
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AARP Question

Here is a typical AARP members question "I retired five years ago, but with the economy and inflation as they are, I need to go back to work. Where do I start?"

You need to think about what you want to do and to be honest restarting a conventional job is not for everyone, after five years your attitude to work will have changed and you will find it hard to come out of retirement mode.

Yes AARP can help you find employment via their site and its partly why AARP was set up. How Long and how much work do you want to do. Some people decide they would like to work from home which saves the cost of travel etc which can eat into your earnings.

As an AARP member you might be interested in starting your own business, but as you say funds are short. If you can afford to put up say $1,000 it is possible to create an reasonable income from it in about 10 years. This will not provide immediate help but is much better that the get rich quick scams that AARP member unwittingly fall for.

As a retired person myself, I actually enjoy watching my money grow month on month especially during these difficult times, I work from home at hours that suit me.

David Ogden -Tomorrows Home Business
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Monday, October 13, 2008

AARP Insurance

AARP Insurance plans can provide you with monthly income, depending on a lump sum investment of at Least $5000, however once set up they cannot be changes, now in this time of financial crises which is sweeping around the world, it would only be a brave man who would put aside $5000 now with an uncertain future. as interest rates are still being cut in the USA and elsewhere to help ease credit restriction.

Some AARP Insurance members may have sufficient funds already invested, but what about the AARP Insurance members who are already struggling to make ends meet, what can be done to help them.

There is no quick cure to the financial meltdown and there are expected to be further failures in the financial services market, so its a case of AARP Insurance members beware. During times of recession people look at many different opportunities to create additional income and one area which is working well is Tomorrows Home Business, because its is a business built around existing customers of a health and wellness Company based in the USA and Canada. The Business has had steady growth during the last 10 years and should be unaffected by the current financial market as people such as AARP Insurance members regard health supplements as part of their staple diet.

David Ogden -Tomorrows Home Business
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Sunday, October 12, 2008


AARP member may be interest in a recent survey about baby Boomers in the UK who demonstrate a changing attitude towards inheritance, with surveys suggesting they are more likely to want to use their wealth to enjoy life than to worry about leaving a bequest.

The current world financial situation may lead to AARP members being forced into the same situation as they plunder there savings to save their present lifestyle.

AARP member may also be interested to lean that for their cousins in the UK - Housing has played a big part in boomers' lives. The proportion of owner-occupiers rose from around one in four in 1950 to two-thirds by the mid-1980s. Today, 33 per cent of boomers own their homes outright and 52 per cent have mortgages, while 15 per cent have second homes. Home improvements, shows the research, form a significant part of boomer lifestyles. So does increasing the value of homes, especially in terms of using housing to fund life during retirement.

Now if these figure hold true for AARP members some 67% will still have mortgages and these people are the hardest hit during any recession and in fact it is loans in general and the mis-management of dept in general by bank and finance companies that has started the roller coaster ride towards recession.

Is there a way out for ordinary AARP members? Well as a retired person myself I have started a new ten year plan to build another income stream with Tomorrows Home Business in order to create another income stream to protect my own Lifestyle as relying on Government handouts is not an option.

David Ogden -Tomorrows Home Business
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Saturday, October 11, 2008

AARP Insurance

AARP Insuranceplans can provide you with monthly income, depending on a lump sum investment of at Least $5000, however once set up they cannot be changes, now in this time of financial crises which is sweeping around the world, it would only be a brave man who would put aside $5000 now with an uncertain future. as interest rates are still being cut in the USA and elsewhere to help ease credit restriction.

Some AARP Insurance members may have sufficient funds already invested, but what about the AARP Insurance members who are already struggling to make ends meet, what can be done to help them.

There is no quick cure to the financial meltdown and there are expected to be further failures in the financial services market, so its a case of AARP Insurance members beware. During times of recession people look at many different opportunities to create addtional income and one area which is working well is Tomorrows Home Business, because its is a business built around existing customers of a health and wellness Company based in the USA and Canada. The Business has had steady growth during the last 10 years and should be unaffected by the current financial market as people such as AARP Insurance members regard health supplements as part of their staple diet.

David Ogden -Tomorrows Home Business
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Stocks continue to fall around the World and AARP members are in for a tough ride and are worried to see how savings are dwindling with interest rate cuts.

Jonathan Scheid, chief investment officer for Bellatore LLC in San Jose, Calif.,is giving this advice to AARP members - Investors who have more money in the bank than the FDIC guarantees should spread their cash around in different institutions to get the full FDIC guarantee. Even so, he says, bank yields are too low for people nearing retirement to store the bulk of their funds in bank accounts.

The stock markets will recover in the long term in the meantime AARP Members should be looking to control their future rather than rely on the Government to resolve the situation on their behalf.

The Health and Wellness industry is one area which will weather the storm(vanity always wins). Some Members of AARP and other retirees from around the world are already seeing good returns from following a model promoted by Tomorrows Home Business group which is leading the way to help people help themselves and provide hope for the future.

David Ogden -Tomorrows Home Business
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Friday, October 10, 2008


A Recent AARP Survey found that middle aged workers in the USA were not making enough effort to make savings for their retirement, using excuses such as the cost of their childrens' education.

The earlier you start retirement planning the less it will cost you and the larger your nest egg will grow. The AARP survey also found that its members were planning on working longer in order to make up shortfalls due to the current economic situation. The deteriorating economy will make it harder for people to save more but they need to make the effort now or face a crisis in the future.

Many AARP members take up part time jobs both to keep themselves active and also bring in extra income. Some go as far as setting up a home based business, such as Tomorrows Home Business, which has a ten year plan to create wealth and is affordable to middle aged people and AARP members.

So what can Tomorrow's Home Business offer AARP members. An easy method to build a secure income over a medium to long term period with minimum commitment of time and money. No special skills required apart from being able to use a computer.

It does not matter if you are a member of AARP or not if you want to know how Tomorow Home Business can help you request more information by clicking here and filling in a form.

David Ogden -Tomorrows Home Business
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Thursday, October 9, 2008

AARP - Stocks Fall

Stock Markets continue to fall around the world despite US and European Bank rate cuts and there is further concerning the US regarding Insurance Companies. According to MSN News - Concern continues to grow about the health of financial companies. A quietly growing issue is the health of insurance companies after the collapse of American International Group (AIG, news, msgs). Shares of MetLife (MET, news, msgs) fell 26.8% to $27 after cutting third-quarter earnings guidance to 83 to 93 cents a share. Analysts had been expecting $1.44 a share. MetLife will also shrink its workforce and sell new common shares to bolster its capital amid rising investment losses. "I think we're as well positioned as anyone in our industry for these times," Steve Kandarian, MetLife's chief investment officer, said on a conference call, "but we are not immune, nor is any other of our peers." So what does this all mean to members of AARP, well they need to look at their options and not panic, cash is relatively safe in the bank but it would be better to get it working for you. Enhancing your future income by working now is a viable option. Many AARP members have set up home business in order to make ends meet.

One successful home business stands head and shoulders above the rest and is of interest to many AARP members because it is base on health and wellness and many AARP members are already taking supplements on a daily basis. TriVita was one of the first companies to direct sell Sublingual B-12 vitamins some ten years ago. B-12 improves ones memory and can certainly improve the lifestyle of AARP members,

Recently a group of entrepreneurs formed Tomorrows Home Business as a kind of partnership with TriVita and set in motion a plan to promote the purchase of TriVita customers. The results have been fantastic with around 8,000 being owned by Tomorrows Home Business Group. Every time a customers purchase from TriVita The members earn commissions. AARP members are advised to to look at this opportunity as a way of improving their lifestyle without risk of losing money.

Click Here to request more details of Tomorrow's Home Business

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AARP Insurance

AARP Insurance - Lifetime income plan was designed specifically to provide fixed immediate annuities that help AARP insurance members protect themselves against the risk of outliving their savings. The AARP Insurance group annuity plans let AARP members turn part of their retirement savings into monthly income payments that will be locked in and guaranteed for life. The AARP Insurance Program offers single life and joint life annuity plans and come with important features not offered by every annuity plan … if you pass away prematurely, your beneficiary will receive any remaining payments that were guaranteed.

AARP Insurance members age 50 to 89 can purchase an annuity in any amount of $5,000 or more. You can be confident that your annuity income payments are guaranteed. With this Program, your income is backed by the financial strength of New York Life Insurance and Annuity Corporation, part of the New York Life family of companies. And, this is the only annuity Program endorsed by AARP Insurance.

AARP Insurance programs are not the sole way to obtain monthly income in retirement a group of Entrepreneurs (Tomorrow's Home Business) have combined with TriVita, a health and wellness supplier to use a plan which will produce a substantial monthly return after 10 years for a one off payment of $1,000, which will greatly enhance your lifestyle.

More Information is available in our live conference room on Thursdays 6PM PST (Click Here To enter Room and use password "success") or else contact one of our members.

David Ogden -Tomorrows Home Business
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Wednesday, October 8, 2008


If you Are a member of the American Association of Retired People (AARP) the current financial upheaval is certainly cause for concern. Not only only are your AARP investments falling in value, but also you may lose your hard earned saving that are help on deposit. To make matters worse your Government is going to make you the taxpayer pay for the recent bank failures.

The AARP is a very large lobbying group of baby boomers and as such actions you take can have a powerful effect on your future.

AARP members have a multitude of backgrounds, some are wealthy and retired early and some continue to work in retirement to supplement their income, others less fortunate are unable to find work due to disablement and struggle to survive on Government handouts.

What can AARP members do during these difficult times? One thing is certain they need to take back control of their future.

One way to do this is to look at a group of people, many of whom are already retired, like myself, are doing to create future wealth from committing as little as $1,000 in order to build a secure income for the later years of their life.

Image how you will feel in ten years time to have an extra $5000 a month in your pocket, to help towards medical bills, holidays or pass on to your family members.

We are called tomorrows home business, and AARP members will find we have a unique business plan which can benefit them. to find out more you are invited to attend a Presentation at on Thursdays at 6PM PST using the password "success" or else contact us for more information.

David Ogden -Tomorrows Home Business
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